Built in the 1940s and blown up in the 1990s, Kay’s Cross is cherished by the people of Kaysville, Utah. Legends surround the site, which is known to be haunted.

Kay’s Cross is a 20ft by 13ft cross and an important symbol for the people of Kaysville, Utah. However, no one knows where the cross came from or who created it. Myths prevail regarding its source including one of a murderous polygamist. According to lore, the story says that a husband murdered six of his seven wives and either buried the seventh beneath the cross or put her heart in the cross. Mysticality seems to surround the symbol. Some people have claimed to see werewolves in the area during the full moon. Others have claimed to see the ghost of the seventh wife whose body was laid to rest in the hallowed cross. Some locals say that during a full moon, the cross will glow. 

According to one local whose family previously owned the land which included Kay's Cross, the real story is less horrific than a murederous polygamist. Elden Kingston and his two wives lived on the land in the early twentieth century. Elden Kingston (1909-1948) left the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in the 1920s to found a group of polygamous families. He established the Davis County Co-op of Bountiful, Utah. Eventually, the Kingston family met a man named Krishna Venta (Francis Pancovic, 1911-1958) who had founded a cult: the Wisdom, Knowledge, Faith and Love Fountain of the World. Venta preached that he was Jesus Christ and the Second Coming was near at hand. According to Jack, Venta convinced the family to build a cross in his honor. Later, Venta fled to California where he continued to gain followers. 

During the 1980s, devil worship was soon introduced to the site. Locals claim that devil worshipers would steal local chickens to sacrifice. Other animals, such as dogs and raccoons, have been found dead on the site. In 1992, the cross was bombed. There have been claims that the bomb was so loud, it echoed through the city. Some believe the Kaysville police bombed it hoping to reduce the number of trespassers on private property, but the police department denies any involvement in the bombing. The demolition did not stop trespassers, and the site soon became a place of mischief. Directly across the site of Kay's Cross, a man hanged himself in 2005, further adding to the despair surrounding the cross. Nevertheless, some are still anxious to see the site of Kay's Cross and, during October, the owners of the land open the site for visitors.  


Remains of Kay's Cross
Remains of Kay's Cross Creator: Photograph taken by author.
Remains of Kay's Cross
Remains of Kay's Cross Source: Photograph taken by author.
Kay's Cross Land
Kay's Cross Land Source: Photograph taken by author.
Krishna Venta and his Family
Krishna Venta and his Family Source: Renshaw, Eric. “Looking Back: Krishna Venta Aimed to Inspire Local Religious Leaders in Sioux Falls. Instead, He was met by Police.” Argus Leader. January 10, 2020.


Kay's Cross is located on Private Property. It is open to the public for 'haunted' tours in the month of October.


Claire Larson, Weber State University, “Kay's Cross,” Intermountain Histories, accessed October 12, 2024, https://intermountainhistories.top/items/show/366.