“For We Must All Go Into Prison”

“For We Must All Go Into Prison”
Brigham Young gave this sermon in Salt Lake City. Though the sermon was published in this form in George D. Watts’s Journal of Discourses, LaJean Purcell Carruth’s research of Watts’s original shorthand notes has revealed he took significant editorial liberties with the text between transcription and publication. Young’s original can probably be trusted to still follow the same contours as the Discourses version, but not much more can be said for certain. | Source: Young, Brigham. “Testimony of the Divinity of Joseph Smith’s Mission, Etc.” In Journal of Discourses, edited by George D. Watts. Vol. 4., 33–42. Courtesy of the L. Tom Perry Special Collections. https://contentdm.lib.byu.edu/digital/collection/JournalOfDiscourses3/id/720.
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